Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Today’s reading: Psalm 51-53

“Oh, give me back my joy again…” Psalm 51:8 NLT
“Restore to me again the joy of your salvation…” Psalm 51:12 NLT

Give it back, Lord.

The zeal. The excitement. The reason to get up in the morning. The purpose that drives me throughout the day. The very breath that I inhale. The beat of my heart.

It may be nothing more than a season set apart for me to realize how very much I’ve taken that joy for granted.

It may be a time of testing, a moment in time when my priorities need re-aligned, shuffled around, whittled down or pruned way back to allow for growth.

It may be something You’re allowing me to go through so that I may cling more tightly to you. Quite possibly my grasp has loosened.

It may be me. Something I’ve done? Something I’ve failed, even though You nudged, to do?

Let’s set things to rights between us, Lord. You and I. Just like you and David did all those years ago.

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