Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Today's reading: Hosea 10-14

"How prosperous Israel is--a luxuriant vine loaded with fruit! But the more wealth the people got, the more they poured it on the altars of their foreign gods. The richer the harvests they brought in, the more beautiful the statues and idols they built." Hosea 10:1 NLT

If things are going well for you, great! Honestly, I am so thrilled to hear it.

But if things are going well for you, and take with this with all the sincerity I can send in these typed words, please check your spiritual walk.

In the easy times we can become lazy in our faith disciplines--our prayer times, our moments in the Bible, our church attendance, our worship and fellowship with believers.

There is something to be said about hard times--they keep us grounded and right where we need to be, completely and utterly dependent upon God. But easy times? As Hosea writes, easy times sometimes allow us to let our guards down. To try it on our own. To rest on our laurels. To let things coast.

So stay close to the Lord--in good times and in bad.

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