Tuesday, September 28, 2021


Today's reading: 2 Chronicles 11-15

"But as for us, the Lord is our God, and we have not abandoned him..." 2 Chronicles 13:10 NLT

Can you join me in saying those same words?

King Abijah, not a godly king, not at all short on sinful choices, not a devout follower of the One True God--knew 'where his kingly bread was buttered'.

He knew enough to not turn from God and the ordained ways. He knew about the covenant God had made with the people of Judah.

He knew his country, if they were to have any hope at all, needed God on their side and not against them.

That's where I took it personally.

No matter what the world is doing.

No matter what government decides.

No matter what the entertainment industry deems cool or tolerant.

No matter what those around me choose to do.

No matter how poorly I walk this Christian path.

No matter my past, despite the current situations, and with all I don't know about the future.

No matter what, the Lord is my God and I choose not to abandon Him!

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