Thursday, October 19, 2023


Today's reading: Proverbs 31

"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those who are perishing." Proverbs 31:8 NLT

I've got to admit, I've never read this verse before.

When it comes to Proverbs 31, verses 10-31 are the stars, the remaining verses were, to me, merely the prologues, the understudies, the 'also-rans'.

But this morning I see it.

Speaking up for those who cannot speak for themselves goes beyond donating to the widows and orphan fund.

It surpasses the t-shirts we might wear stating our opposition to sex-trafficking, abortion or segregation based on any reason.

It's much more more than voting the right candidate into office, making sure there are no dangling chads on your preference on the ballot or attending a rally.

I believe, and once again--I am a novice to this verse-- that it also means praying for those who cannot, will not and have not been praying for themselves.

Are you praying for those folks?

Are you mentioning their names to the Father?

Are you standing in the gap for someone who needs your Savior?

Praying someone to Jesus is the greatest thing you can do for someone who doesn't even know they need Him.

Asking God to step into their lives before they come face to face with Him at death is a valuable gift you can give those you love.

Rescuing the perishing, caring for the dying, praying for the souls of those lost in sin...that's speaking up.

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