Monday, January 19, 2015

Today's reading:  Genesis 12-15

"Then they continued traveling by stages toward Bethel..."  Genesis 13:3 NLT

The Scripture references the beginnings of Abram, Sarai and Lot's journey.

They would travel a while, then set up camp.  They would break camp and travel some more.  They slowly and progressively made their way to the place God needed them in.

They went in stages.

I get that.

I can look backwards and see my walk with God as having gone in stages.

Some very slow ones.

Some that came and went much too quickly and with a considerable amount of emotion involved with it.

I can also foresee that my Christian walk will be one that continues in stages.

From His glory to His glory.

From lesson to lesson.

From temptation avoided to temptation avoided.

From blessing to blessing.

From newborn believer to saint of God.


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