Monday, August 30, 2010

Today's reading: Numbers 13-16

"Please, Lord, prove that your power is as great as you have claimed it to be..." Numbers 14:17 NLT

Moses spoke those words. Moses. The Moses who was the vessel God used for so many of His miracles. The Moses who God chose to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. The Moses who ad beginnings in a little basket floating on the Nile.

Of course, that Moses could dare pray a prayer like that--but, could I?

Might I dare ask God to prove His power in regards to the things I'd like to see done?

In the lives of my unbelieving sisters-in law?

In the hurting heart of a very dear friend?

In regards to the huge personal requests I've made for myself?

About the doors only God could open?

Can I really ask God to prove Himself in the things closest to my heart? Do I have the right? Does He offer me that option?

Most importantly, do I want them that badly?

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