Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Today's reading: Judges 17-21

I've read this morning about Micah and his idols. It was a short read, but it was full of information my head and heart had to process.

I won't type up all thirteen verses, but I would recommend you take a minute or two today to read it for yourself. See if any of the offenses Micah made against the Lord are yours, too.

-Theft. What have I stolen from another? In the form of a blessing, an opportunity, an encouraging word? What about hope? Have I attempted to steal their peace, because when I open my mouth and present my ideas, it makes God's ideas look a little less than believable?
-Idolatry. What little gods am I putting before God? What's on my nick-knack shelf that I am depending on more than the Lord?
-Altar building. Are the memorials I am setting up to worship at ones that glorify Him, or that glorify me, my attempts, my successes?
-Self-serving ways. Ouch. Is there really an explanation needed here?
-People ordaining. Am I placing folks on pedestals God does not intend for them to stand on? Am I deifying people who look good in my eyes, but are as faulty as I am? Am I honoring titles, not hearts?
-Faulty expectations. Am I thinking, for a moment, that the sins in my life will be rewarded by God? Really? Am I attempting to okay a diversion from His plans for me because of another's decision, or another's choices? Am I really thinking He will look over this small sin because He is too busy judging the big sins in others' lives?

Micah has made me think this morning. About a lot of things.

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