Friday, November 12, 2010

Today's reading: Zechariah 1-7

"...He has done what he said he would do." Zechariah 1:7b NLT

That phrase really jumped out at me this morning. It's like it was written in bold print or spotlighted with a high-intensity beam of light.

It spoke to my heart. It began processes in my head.

It's true.

God is the only one who has done just what He said He would do.

My husband intends to pick milk up from the grocery, but forgets.

My son, I'm sure, has the greatest intentions to pick up his room, but alas, clothes remain on the floor.

The sales clerk assures me he will be available when it comes time to install my new printer, and then leaves for lunch.

People disappoint, err, fail and fall short of what they say they will do. Human limitations are sometimes the reason. Emergencies come up. Lies are uncovered.

But God? He has never and will never fail to do what He says He will do!

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