Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Today's reading: 1 Chronicles 10-14

Chapter 11 of 1 Chronicles is the detailed account of David's elite army of fighting men. It lists The Three, which to me sounds like a World Wrestling Federation tag team. It names the Thirty, which sounds like a mob syndicate. And it lists the remaining mighty men, by name--what an honor.

It's the era's Who's-Who of the strongest, the bravest and the most valiant.

I didn't live during that time.

I won't be faced with what those mighty men had to deal with...

"...He once used his spear to kill three hundred enemy warriors in a single battle." 1 Chronicles 11:11 NLT

"...This is an example of the exploits of the Three." 1 Chronicles 11:19 NLT

"...Another time, armed with only a club, he killed an Egyptian warrior who was seven and a half feet tall..." 1 Chronicles 11:23 NLT

What I need to remember this morning, before I write myself off an a 90-pound weakling compared to these men, is that God is in me, just like He was in them.

I can do the hard stuff.

I can stand strong.

I can defeat enemies.

I can fight the battles He calls me to fight.

I have the power of the Living Christ dwelling within me!

I am one of God's mighty warriors. I am a member of His elite fighting team. I have been inducted, by the blood of Jesus, into His army of believers.

The few. The proud. The saved. 

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