Saturday, October 28, 2017

Today's reading: Acts 9-10

"Who are you, sir? Saul asked. And the voice replied, I am Jesus, the one you are persecuting!" Acts 9:5 NLT

If only I heard that same truth when I lied...

I am Jesus, the one you are really lying to.

Or when I chose to bad-mouth another...

I am Jesus, the one you're talking bad about.

Or when I made an excuse...

I am Jesus, the one you're attempting to sell this to.

Or when I didn't feel like worshiping because of the music, those around me or the feel of the church...

I am Jesus, the one you're denying praise to.

If I hear Him speak to me. If I heard His truth in my heart. If I stopped for a moment and realized everything I do is done for Him, to Him, through Him or with His advertisement on my task, it would stop me in my tracks!

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