Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Today's reading:  2 Kings 16-20

"...They worshipped worthless idols and became worthless themselves."  2 Kings 17:15 NLT

The definition of 'worthless' goes beyong lacking worth.

It means useless.

It means despicable.

The capacity of the verse goes beyond the Israelites just prior to their exile to Assyria--it is meant for us, too.

Worthless things fill our heads, hearts and hours.  Worthless idols invade our Sabbaths, our quiet times and our personal commitment to the Creator.

Things lacking value.  Useless things.  Despicable things.

Things we allow in our homes.  Things we allow in our churches.  Things we allow to take root in our thoughts.  Things we say out loud.

I'm looking for value today in all I say, do and honor with my time and attention.  I'm intending to build up value in myself by Who I worshp--and by what I don't!    

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