Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Today's reading: Psalm 146-148

"...He is the one who keeps every promise forever." Psalm 146:6 NLT

Those words are a gift to me this season.

Wrapped in loved.

Tied with a flourish.

Tagged with my name.

I will keep every promise to you, forever.
Love, God.

As He did for Noah. And for Abraham. And for Daniel as he slept beside the lion. And for David as he hid from his enemies. And for Saul-turned-Paul as he spread the Good News. And for the woman who anointed His feet with what was in her alabaster box--the one who thought she was gifting Him.

As I think this morning about all He has promised me, I'm falling back on my favorite--He will never leave me or forsake me.

I'm never alone. I'm never left to fend for myself. I'm never standing solo in a great big world. I'm never shivering alone on a long dark night. I'm never rowing my own boat against the waves. I'm never sitting in a waiting room by myself. I'm never not being heard. I'm not going to spend eternity in a grave. I'm not living this Christian life for my own benefit.

Every promise forever. What a gift!

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