Monday, July 4, 2011

Today's reading: Leviticus 10-12

Every so often I confer with Merriam-Webster about a word of which I believe I understand, but want to check myself. In doing so this morning, I was solicited by our Lord to reconsider how I go about my life, the choices I choose, the decisions I make.

The word for today is 'distinguish'.

"You are to distinguish between what is holy and what is ordinary..." Leviticus 10:10 NLT

Distinguish means to perceive a difference in, to mentally separate; to mark as separate or different; to discern; to characterize.

In re-acquainting myself with the definition of distinguish, I have also re-aligned my thinking with what is holy...holy will not, cannot, could not and shall not ever be ordinary. I have to correct my thinking in regards to all things godly, or holy. I have to re-think what it is that I allow into my heart and mind that is ordinary--because ordinary is not holy.

All because God calls me to be holy.

Not ordinary. No, holy.

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