Friday, September 17, 2021

Today's reading: Amos 5-9

"It is the Lord who created the stars, the Pleiades and Orion. It is he who turns darkness into morning and day into night. It is he who draws up water from the oceans and pours it down as rain on the land. The Lord is his name!" Amos 5:8 NLT

We have had some beautiful September days here in southern Illinois.

The bluest skies.

The as-close-to-perfect-as-one-might-have-this-side-of-heaven temperatures.

The most lovely breezes.

And, my favorite, the clearest night skies!

My husband and I were discussing just last night the brightness of the stars, the closeness of them and the difference between twinkling stars and bright planets.

The reason for all this loveliness is not the distance of the sun from the equator or the place we are on the autumnal equinox calendar. It's all to do with God.

His creativity. His organization. His engineering. His sustaining power. His blessing. Only One deserves the praise for all this September wonder--the Lord is His name!

The Lord is his name!

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