Sunday, February 9, 2020

Today's reading: Numbers 5-6

"...Remove them so they will not defile the camp, where I live among you." Numbers 5:3 NLT

Maybe it's because I spent time cleaning out the linen closet and laundry room...

Or because I'm in hopes that the idea of a little 'spring cleaning' will push along this long, wet winter...

Or maybe, just maybe, it's an issue God is speaking directly to my heart about...

But this verse caught my eye.

It's time I did an inventory of what I'm allowing into my 'space'.

What's effecting, affecting and infecting me?

In God's words, what's defiling me.

It's time I took a good, hard and prayerful look at what's grabbing my attention, hi-jacking my thinking and dirtying up my holiness.

You, too?

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