Thursday, December 14, 2017

Today's reading: Song of Solomon 3-4

"You have ravished my heart, my treasure, my bride..." Song of Solomon 4:9 NLT

I forget that God adores me.

That He thinks the world of me.

That I am always on His mind.

That He orchestrates this life of mine to be filled to overflowing with blessings.

How can I forget it?

Really? How in the world can I forget that God loves me?

Because I get busy.

Because I give Him too many human characteristics.

Because I look in the mirror and believe the enemy's lies.

Because I mistakenly believe I am something, on my own.

Because I think His love has anything, anything at all, to do with what I can give Him.

I needed the reminder this morning that I am loved, to the uttermost, by my Father!

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