Thursday, January 19, 2023

Today's reading: Job 5-6

"But I do not have the strength to endure. I do not have a goal that encourages me to carry on." Job 6:11 NLT

My piece of advice for today: Check on your strong, godly, never wavering friends.

The ones who are always giving, never taking.

The ones who are always first to help, but never accept a hand.

The ones who tell you that everything's fine, but down deep, you know better.

The ones who know the Bible inside and out, have their own personal copies of the Scripture written in, highlighted, marked and memorized, but tend to believe it more for another than themselves.

The ones you, and so many others, lean heavily on, and are bent over with the burdensome loads of so many.

Just check in on them.

Send them the card.

Shoot them the text.

Offer to pray for them, with them, over them.

Because even the strongest among us grow weary.

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