Friday, October 31, 2014

Today's reading:  Zephaniah

"...They claim to follow the Lord, but they worship Molech, too.  So, now I will destroy them!"  Zephaniah 1:5 NLT

We holler from the rooftops that we serve the Living God!

We 'Amen' with the loudest of them during the church services!

We wear the Christian t-shirts!

We have the bumper stickers and the Bible covers!

We donate to the missionaries spreading the Gospel overseas!

We shake our heads in protest to the breaking of God's commandments!  Adultery, murder (of the born and the unborn), lying (unless it's to our boss or to keep from hurting an other's feelings) and gossip (Well, it's true, isn't it?).

And yet we worship other gods.

We let them in the front doors of our homes, or at least through the portal of the television set on a nightly basis.  We allow things of temporary consequence to take time away from our families and our worship time.  We throw money, and more importantly, time, into things that do nothing for the spiritual health of our families.

Is it destroying us?  Bit by bit, yes.

It's skewing the minds of our kids--what we preach to them goes against what we're allowing them to think is okay if seen on TV.  It's tearing our families apart--are sports really more important than Sunday worship?  It's quite all right for a missionary to travel overseas--but we hold a grudge against the neighbor across the alley because of property rights.

Are we worshiping other gods?

It's eye opening to think about it!    

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