Friday, March 4, 2016

Today's reading: Isaiah 45-50

"And I will give you treasures hidden in the darkness--secret riches. I will do this so you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, the one who calls you by name." Isaiah 45:3 NLT

My Dad was a coal-miner. He would travel in an elevator sort of device into the depths of the earth to work each and every day.

He never went expecting to find daisies growing in the mine tunnels.

He never expected to find a tropical rain forest, singing birds or a lush carpet of grass amid the dark as night pit.

He looked for, found and mined coal.

Maybe you are in a pit today. A deep, dark pit.

What are you looking for while you're there?

A gem?

Gems, diamonds, rubies, emeralds, amethysts and the like, are found in the dark places. Places hidden from sunlight. Places that few other things are found.

Maybe in this pit you will find how sufficient God is. That's a gem!

Maybe in this pit you will find out how very much God loves you. That's a gem!

Maybe in this pit you will find out how much stronger you in Christ than all alone. That's a gem!

Maybe in this pit your relationship with God will blossom and grow. That's a gem!

Maybe in this pit you will realize some things that need added to your life, and some things that need removed. That's a gem!

Maybe in this pit the Word of God will become more alive to you. That's a gem!

Maybe in this pit humility will become one of your characteristics. That's a gem!

Maybe in this pit you will recognize someone else needing a shoulder, a listening ear or a boost up. That's a gem!

Maybe in this pit pages of your testimony are being written that you will one day share with another. That's a gem!

Mine for gems while in your pit. Don't frustrate yourself looking for a rose garden, look for treasures that only come in the darkness.

He will enable you to find them.

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