Saturday, February 18, 2023


Today's reading: Matthew 17-19

"But if anyone causes one of these little ones who trusts in my to lose faith, it would be better for that person to be thrown into the sea with a large millstone around the neck." Matthew 18:6 NLT

I've just laid out clothes for church tomorrow. It's my Saturday morning routine that allows me less stress on Sunday as we head out the door to church.

As I do this small task, I always ask God to begin preparing me to worship Him with my church family.

This morning, He spoke to me through this verse.

This verse that I would usually 'write off' because I think I've got it.

But I was quite convicted.

You see, our church has been experiencing some great time in the Holy Spirit the past few Sundays. Hearts and minds have been renewed. The altar has been full. God has drawn people into our midst that would never have come on their own.

That's all well and good--but, I'm scheduled to work with the littles during worship service tomorrow.

As task I don't usually mind.

A turn I believe is mine to take.

A ministry that's very important.

BUT, I don't want to miss out on worship.

How dare I?!

My attitude, carried into that little class, will more than likely cause one of His littles to lose faith in the grown ups allowed mere moments to teach them about Him.


I have been in prayer about this 'stinking thinking'.

I have been corrected about this attitude of mine.

I have been seeking God's help in re-routing my mindset.

I have been praying God lead my time with the littles tomorrow, while He leads the worship service going on in the sanctuary.

You see, for a moment, I forgot He could, and promises, to be in all places at all times!

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