Friday, January 18, 2013

Today's reading:  Isaiah 12-17

"In that wonderful day when the Lord gives his people rest from sorrow and fear, from slavery and chains, you will..."  Isaiah 14:3 NLT

The verse goes on to talk about Israel coming back from destruction and taunting the once powerful king of Babylon, but that's not where my heart was stopped.

I ended the verse at, 'you will...' 

Just what is it you will do when that wonderful day of rest comes?

The day the naps are no longer needed and fear no longer annoys?

When our hearts are no longer held as collateral for our allegiance or chains bind us?

Our final rest won't happen until we enter heaven, but today's a wonderful day, too.  Our Savior has died on the cross for our sins and has released us from slavery to our old selves.  Today is the day our God reigns.

What will you do with it?

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