Today's reading: Job 5-6
"But I do not have the strength to endure. I do not have a goal that encourages me to carry on." Job 6:11 NLT
Where would we be had Job given up at this point in his life?
If he had stopped...
If he had thrown in the towel...
If he had turned in his faith card...
If he had washed his hand of God...
Had he chosen that route, we--a people living thousands of years removed from him--would be missing out on all we can glean from his life.
So, what about you?
You can give up now--or keep going.
You can throw in the towel--or find your 'why'.
You can attempt to wash your hand of God--but who might not come to know Him if you were to quit now?
So keep going.
As hard as it might be.
As futile as it might feel.
Even if you don't think you can.
Even if you have to manufacture the want to.
I truly believe, like Job, God will see us through!