Today's reading: Isaiah 18-22
"...You run to the armory for your weapons. You inspect the walls of Jerusalem to see what needs repaired. You store up water in the lower pool. You check the houses and tear some down to get stone to fix the walls. Between the city walls, you build a reservoir for water from the old pool. But all your feverish plans are to no avail because you never ask God for help..." Isaiah 22:9-11 NLT
I am no doubt reaching a highly skilled and quite capable audience.
Folks who can do just about anything. Who can go to great lengths to accomplish whatever it is they might want or need. Who have resources at their fingertips that will enable them to conquer just about any task.
I'll guess I 'speak' to people with great talents, many skills and God-given gifts.
But is what I say falling on the ears and hearts of people who ask God for His help?
Swooping in and saving the day is a great gift--if it's God led.
Riding in and rescuing those who are in harm's way is wonderful--if it's God led.
Doing what needs done within the church walls is ministry--if it's God led.
Being a helping hand, the feet of Jesus and a drink of cool water is what we're here to do--if it's God led.
A whole lot of 'good things' have been done that God never asked any of us to do. While a whole lot of 'great things' remain unattended because God's people never asked His advice on the circumstances before us.
I've read this portion of Scripture a few times already this morning and am spending some time in prayer about whether or not I am merely doing based on my resourcefulness, my knowledge of what's in front of me or because I'm getting to do something that uses my skillset--or doing what God has for me to do.
Maybe it's a good question to ask of yourself?