Friday, October 8, 2010

Today’s reading: Micah

“But as for me, I am filled with power and the Spirit of the Lord…” Micah 3:8 NLT

Thanks for the reminder, Lord.

You knew I was struggling, didn’t You?

You’d seen my broken countenance and downcast demeanor.

You’re well aware of the mountains I’m currently scaling and the obstacles I’m trying to move
on my own.

You’re privy to the inner battles I’ve been fighting and every one of the times when I’ve been knocked on my backside by the enemy.

You knew all about the doubts that have taken root in my mind, the faithlessness I’m struggling with and the peace I’m grasping to gain a hold of.

So? So, you sent this verse.


I needed to be reminded that I have your power within me! I needed the nudge in the direction of godliness. I needed the ’pep talk’ this verse gives me. I needed to know I’ve got what it takes by your Spirit to do every single thing you’ve set me apart to do.

Lord, you certainly know what You’re doing, don’t You?

By the way, mind if I share this with a few friends?

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