Friday, January 31, 2014

Today's reading:  Isaiah 23-28

"In that day the people will proclaim, This is our God!  We trusted in him, and he saved us.  This it the Lord, in whom we trusted.  Let us rejoice in the salvation he brings!"  Isaiah 25:9 NLT

"Also at that time, people will say, Look at what's happened!  This is our God!  We waited for him and he showed up and saved us!  This God, the one we waited for!  Let's celebrate, sing the joys of his salvation..."  Isaiah 25:9 MSG

These folks would tell you--Keep believing!

This tribe of Judah would beseech you to remain to true!

This clan of God's children would ask you to trust in Him for one more day--then one more, then one more!

This group of travelers would be the first to tell you the 40-year walk wasn't easy, but it was worth it!

This congregation of believers would be willing to show you the scars on their bodies and on their hearts with smiles on their faces!

This ragamuffin band of immigrants would tell you fitting in with the locals isn't as important as being His!

They know how hard it is to keep trusting, but the flip side is--they also know the rewards.  The rested in the peace.  They ate of the bounty.  They received all He had promised.  

Keep waiting on Him to act.  Keep believing He's going to work things out.  Keep crying out to Him, He's hearing you!

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