Sunday, June 1, 2014

Today's reading:  Galatians 4-6

"Now you are no longer slaves but God's own child.  And since you are his child, everything he has belongs to you."  Galatians 4:7 NLT

God tells us because we are His, we can move mountains.

God tells us because we are His, we have power over our enemies.

God tells us because we are His, we are equipped with everything we need to do everything He asks.

God tells us because we are His, all heaven is ours.

God tells us because we are His, we needn't worry about anything.

All He has is ours.  All that's within His plan for our lives is ours.  Ability is ours.  Peace is ours.  Joy is ours.

"God make it plain that you are not a slave, but a child? And if you are a child, you’re also an heir, with complete access to the inheritance."  Galatians 4:7 MSG

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