Tuesday, April 6, 2021


Today's reading: 1 Samuel 21-25

"Abigail lost no time..." 1 Samuel 25:18 NLT

Abigail the level headed, wife of a fool will always be known for her quick thinking and wise words.

She was smart. She was kind. She was hospitable. She was charming. She was honoring.

She met an unlovely circumstance head on with grace.

She also did it on the fly--or at a moment's notice.

Or did she...

The thing about God's people is this: they are prepared their whole lives for moments like these.

This moment in Abigail's life was what God had been preparing her for.

Sure it happened without planning or forethought, without notice or heads-up...but God knew it was coming. He always knows it is coming.

So child of God, stay close to Him. Stay prayed up. Stay read up on His Word. Stay filled up with His presence. Stay ready in season and out of season. Stay settled up with Him in regards to your sins. 

You never know when your moment will be!

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