Sunday, January 7, 2018

Today's reading: Genesis 19-21

"About this time, Abimilech came with Phicol, his army commander, to visit Abraham. It is clear that God helps you in everything you do, Abimilech said." Genesis 21:22 NLT

Help-to give assistance or support to; to make more pleasant or bearable; to be of use to; to change for the better.

When the unbelieving world notices God working through us, we are doing just what God asked of us.

When a co-worker comments on the peace you're exhibiting during your storm...

When an un-churched friend calls for you to pray them through their tough situation...

When an ungodly acquaintance starts asking questions about your lifestyle...

When your unbelieving spouse begins to soften in regards to your church family...

God's help will always be noticeable in our lives--when we allow Him to do the work!

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