Saturday, December 25, 2021


Today's reading: Luke 2

"...but Mary quietly treasured these things in her heart and thought about them often." Luke 2:19 NLT

Jesus, but a few days old, left his mother in awe.

A baby, lying helplessly, in a manger.

A tiny, wrinkled, little boy, needing His mother's care to survive.

An infant incapable of walking, talking, doing miracles--and still she treasured the Spirit he held within him.

She pondered the impact He had on people.

She thought about the purpose He might have.

It wasn't the miracles performed, the moments on Calvary or the resurrection--because she hadn't seen those yet.

It left her quietly treasuring things in her heart just being near Him.

The everydayness of a God come down in human form.

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