Tuesday, August 31, 2021


Today's reading: 1 Chronicles 20-24

"I have worked hard to provide materials for building the Temple of the Lord--Now begin the work..." 1 Chronicles 22:14-15 NLT

David gathered all his wealth could amass for the Temple of the Lord.

The gold, the iron, the workers, the stone, the fine fabrics, the wood and the money to back the construction process.

Now, well, now he had to leave it all in Solomon's hands.

What Solomon did with it was up to Solomon and God.

That's hard.

Real hard.

Because, in all honesty, there is a real likelihood, that as smart as Solomon was...he might not do things as David would do them. In the order his dad would get them done. In the same time frame the former king thought the current king should.

You wouldn't know anything about that, would you?

Ever had to leave something in someone else's hands? For them to take over? For them to take care of? For them to take charge of?

It's hard. It's real hard.

You hover. You watch closely. You monitor. You possibly even micro-manage, if not from a distance. 

The thing is, we also do it with the things we hand over to God.

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