Thursday, July 31, 2014

Today's reading:  Proverbs 14-15

"It is better to have little with fear of the Lord than to have great treasure with turmoil."  Proverbs 15:16 NLT

Want to see this verse played out in real life?  Want to see how it aptly fits into our 2014 world?  Want to understand how fully right Solomon was about this snippet of knowledge handed to him by God?

Watch a current reality TV show.

The drama.  The vanity.  The lack of respect--for one's self and for others.  The sadness found in the hearts of those who do not know, or at least do not live like they know, God.  The things they attempt to fill their lives with.  The disposability of values.  The emptiness left in their great big homes.

I'll take the little I have alongside a great big helping of God's love any day over the problems that come from not knowing Him!

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