Friday, April 10, 2020

Today's reading: 1 Kings 3-5

"That night the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream, and God said, What do you want? Ask, and I will give it to you!" 1 Kings 3:5 NLT

God knew better than to ask us, so He gave us what we needed/wanted/would have asked for if we knew what was best for us...His Son.

This still-dark Good Friday morning, I know that.

I know, for a fact, that at different stages and ages of my life, my request from God would have varied. What I thought I needed. What I believed I wanted. What I knew I just had to have to get through.

He knew I needed a Savior.

He also knew I was a thinker and a ponder-er. It would have taken me a lifetime to decide for sure what to ask for. I would think and re-think. I would make lists of pro's and con's. I would have asked others their opinions and sought out wise counsel.

He knew I needed a Savior.

My imagination would have run wild with the idea of getting to receive whatever I would ask for. My thoughts would race. My dreams would grow. My ideas would sprout and grow like kudzu in the south.

He knew I needed a Savior--and His Son far exceeded my expectations!

I'm so glad He didn't ask me, He just provided and then allowed me the privilege of accepting His gift.

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