Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Today's reading: Job 25-30

"But now..." Job 30:1 NLT

Job knew, if anyone ever would, the flip-flop one's world can make with a bit of news.

Just one phone call.

A diagnosis.

A broken promise.

A leaked secret.

A hurtful word.

Job knew.

He was fully aware of what he had, what he had lost, the status he no longer held among friends and community, the health he had quite possibly taken for granted.

And those changes leave him broken.




His faith stretched thin, very thin.


Crying out.

Wondering why.

But still calling on the Lord.

Still choosing to live a righteous life.

Still believing the God who 'made the winds blow and determined how much rain should fall, made the laws of rain and prepared a path for the lightning' (Job 28:25-26) was in control.

I think we can do the same.

I don't see where we have any other viable options.

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