Friday, March 31, 2023


Today's reading: Jeremiah 1-6

"Jeremiah, I have made you a tester of metals, that you may determine the quality of my people." Jeremiah 6:27 NLT

Jeremiah, in his day, was the litmus test of God's people. He walked back and forth between them, lovingly and longingly speaking to the sins they were committing. Pleading with them to come back, wholeheartedly, to the Lord.

The 'tester of metals' today?

Might it be the political controversy our country endures? Could it be the gender issue? COVID-19? 

So many things occur that 'test the metal' of Christians.

Things that push the limits of their love.

Occurrences that stretch the extent of their love for fellow human beings.

Attitudes that push the buttons that should release grace.

So, how are you doing with these tests? Are you being found truly Christ-like?

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