Saturday, July 19, 2014

Today's reading:  Luke 21-22

"But here at this table, sitting among us as friend, is the man who will betray me."  Luke 22:21 NLT

Imagine being Judas.

Imagine the lump in the pit of your stomach as you sat and ate with the One you had sold out.

Imagine the emotions boiling inside him while pleasant conversation was going on around him.

Then, imagine being Jesus.

Knowing.  Hurting by the choice made by a friend.  Understanding what must happen for his Father's plans to be complete.

And I can't offer a cup of cool water in His name?  I can't put aside petty offenses for the cause of Christ?  I can't forgive and completely forget in order for my church to grow, His work to be unified, our Savior be lifted up?  I can't put aside hateful hurtful comments?  I can't celebrate another from behind the scenes?

Shame on Judas.  Shame on me.

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