Saturday, October 1, 2022


Today's reading: Acts 1-2

"The Father sets those dates, he replied, and they are not for you to know." Acts 1:7 NLT

As the disciples sat, ate, listened and learned while in Jesus' presence, this single question kept popping up in their conversations.

When would He leave?

When would He overthrow the government?

When would He return?

When would He begin to look like the conquering Messiah they had pictured in their minds?

Every question revolved around, WHEN.

We do that, too.

When will we have answers to our prayers?

When will this temptation stop irritating our Christian walks?

When will we see the prodigal coming down the lane?

When will we see the church rise up again, lives be changed, souls be saved, the world recognize Him as their Savior?

I believe the answer is the same one He gave the disciples, The Father sets those dates, and they are not for you to know.

They are, however, still ours to pray about, hope for, believe in and rest upon while we go about His business!

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