Saturday, May 19, 2018

Today's reading: 1 Samuel 10-12

"The Lord will not abandon his chosen people, for that would dishonor his great name. He made you a special nation for himself." 1 Samuel 12:22 NLT

Abandon-to give up control or influence of another person; to withdraw protection, support or help from; to cease from maintaining.

I don't know what our enemy is telling you, but God has not abandoned you.

He has not left your side.

He has not washed His hands of you--no matter what you've done.

He has not left you to take care of your own mess.

He has let you make the choice as to how closely you will walk with Him.

How far you will go with Him.

How much you will trust Him.

He won't abandon You, it would dishonor His great name. So who has moved?

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