Friday, August 10, 2018

Today's reading: Job 1-4

"All right, you may test him, the Lord said to Satan. Do whatever you want with everything he possesses, but don't harm him physically. So Satan left the Lord's presence." Job 1:11 NLT

Everything-all that exists; all that is important.

In reading the first few chapters of Job this morning, I'm hit with a thought that boosts my spirits, swirls in my head and gives me cause to rejoice in the love of my Creator.

God allowed Satan.

God let him test Job.

God set limits on what Satan could touch and how far Satan could go.

God does the same for us!

When the bottom falls out, when the world turns upside down, when the storms rage relentlessly, we have a tendency to think God loves us less than Sister So-and-So, Brother Has-It-All-Together or Job.

But He doesn't.

He loves us as much as He loved Job--and draws a line in the sand for how much of our lives Satan can touch!

So whatever it is Satan has his grimy, slimy fingers on, God has allowed it, because of the faith He has in you.

Whatever facets of your life Satan is shadowing over, God has allowed it, because of the testimony He is writing for you.

He loves us enough to allow it, He believes in us enough to let it happen, He is close enough to us to help us endure it.

Where Satan is is ONLY by God's permission.

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