Friday, March 19, 2021


Today's reading: Isaiah 62-66

"For since the world began, no ear has heard, and no eye has seen a God like you, who works for those who wait for him!" Isaiah 64:4 NLT

I don't know what you are waiting on God to do.

Waiting for Him to sort out.

Waiting on Him to fix.

Waiting on Him to redeem.

Waiting on Him to take care of.

Waiting on Him to release you from.

Waiting on Him to show up in.

I don't know...

I have my own things...several of them, to be quite honest.

We won't see eye to eye on whose list is more important or older or longer or holds more clout, but let's agree on this: from ages past, when He does show up, when He has chosen to act on behalf of His believing, praying, trusting and holding on to His promises people--it's been well worth the wait!

So let's keep waiting.

Let's remain on the edge of our seats in anticipation of His mighty work on our behalf.

Let's continue to believe He is able, He is more than capable and His promises apply to our needs as much as they have any one else's...past or present.

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