Sunday, July 11, 2021


Today's reading: Colossians 3-4

"Live wisely among those who are not Christians, and make the most of every opportunity." Colossians 4:5 NLT

I hope I catch you before you head out the door to church this morning. Because there is something very, very important I want to remind you of...

Your group of church folk.

Your church family.

Your body of believers--is not a perfect lot.

Oh, I am not pointing fingers, because the one I belong to is not either.

We make it that way when we join up with them.

But here is why I want to remind us of that fact this morning:

When we leave our assemblies today...

When we head into the restaraunts or into the Dollar General's to pick up hamburger buns or into the Mini Mart's to grab that gallon of milk--live and speak wisely among those who are not Christian--because you are telling them what they need to know about the rest of the folks in your church.

Live wisely, but more importantly, speak wisely.

Those who don't know Christ yet don't need to know about problems in your church.

Those who don't believe in God don't need to know if your Sunday School teacher talks too much.

Your waiter doesn't need to hear your complaints about your pastor.

Live wisely, fellow believers--especially when it comes to how we represent our churches, His church!

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