Sunday, November 15, 2020

Today's reading: Acts 10-11

"Then Peter replied, I see very clearly that God doesn't show partiality." Acts 10:34 NLT

I joke with the gals in my class about my addiction to index/recipe cards.

I use them for just about everything.

Grocery lists. Phone messages. Book markers. Notes to my guys. Reminders.

But most importantly, I use them when I have a verse that I need to keep before me.

I write out the verse and post the index card in as many places as I can.

You may find an index card on my computer desk, above my kitchen sink, on the steering wheel of the car, on the scale, on the refrigerator--well, you get the picture!

This verse this morning, I'm deciding right now, needs put on my bathroom mirror.

It will be there for me to read when I'm feeling low and undeserving--God shows no partiality!

It will be there on the days when I'm feeling a little more than--God shows no partiality!

You see, I'm ONLY a child of God because of His grace.

I'm ONLY saved because of His mercy.

I'm ONLY redeemed from my sins because of His extraordinary love for me.

I'm ONLY living with hope because He shows no partiality.

And I need that daily reminder.

And if a little white index card can help me remember that, then that's what I'll use.

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