Thursday, October 24, 2013

Today's reading:  Ecclesiastes 1-2

"For the greater my wisdom, the greater my grief.  To increase knowledge only increases sorrow."  Ecclesiastes 1:18 NLT

Solomon, I know what you're saying.

The more I find out about my glorious, wonderful Savior, the more humbled I become.

When I think of all He's done for me, I am disgusted to realize He had to stoop down so low on my behalf.

As I uncover more and more of God's treasure in His Word, I am embarrassed at how little I really and truly know.

To unpack His messages to me, leaves me breathless and on my knees in disgust over my sins.

He is intriguing, this Creator of mine. 

His ways confound and mystify me.  His miracles leave me scratching my head and clapping wildly.  His plan for my life provides me with hope.  His decision to involve me in this grand plan of His makes me feel honored--and even more unworthy! 

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