Friday, August 30, 2013

Today's reading:  Hosea 8-14

"Israel has built many altars to take away sins, but these very altars became places for sinning!"  Hosea 8:11 NLT

Could the same be said of our churches?

Has toleration allowed sin a foothold in our congregation?

Has moderation taken place of 'thus saith the Word of God'?

Has condemnation taken the place of the conviction of the Holy Spirit?

Has entertainment taken priority over discipleship?

Have numbers been given more value than souls saved for the Kingdom?

The very places God ordained as gathering places of the saints and welcome stations for those wanting to leave the lifestyles of the world, are falling prey to worldliness and sin.

You or I cannot fix the problem in our world and in our churches--but we can talk to God about the sins running rampant in our own lives.

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