Saturday, June 21, 2014

Today's reading:  Luke 13-14

"No, and I tell you again that unless you repent, you will also perish."  Luke 13:5 NLT

What Christ's words say to me this morning?

No--He's stating that despite everything else the people of His time (and those of us today) had heard, He is the ONLY way to eternal life.

Again--States to me that He is repeating, not for His benefit, but for theirs (and ours) what He had already stated.  It tells me He believes it's important--and I/we should, too.

Unless--No other way around it.

Repent--Show sorrow and stop doing that which is wrong.  Not just show sorrow, but stop.  That's a reminder for them and us.

Also--No one is exempt.  No one is grandfathered in.  No one is good enough or can do enough.

Perish--Be separated from Him forever.  Not by His choice, but our own.

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