Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Today's reading:  1 Chronicles 25-29

If you'll read verses 25-34 of 1 Chronicles chapter 27, you'll discover a list of King David's palace employees.

You'll find the royal treasurer, the farm manager, the man in charge of schooling David's sons and you'll find the royal camel keeper--Obil.

You laugh, but his job was just as important as anyone elses' mentioned.

Ever had a caravan of camels run through your house?  Tear up your garden?  Chew on your clean laundry hanging out on the line?  Followed after a few on your morning jog?  Ever seen an out of control herd of camels?

It's ugly.  It's loud.  It's chaotic.  It's messy!

Our heads and hearts become much the same when we begin assigning importance, value and scale to what God has asked us to do for Him.

As the Body of Christ, we all maintain varying positions in its functioning.  Those functions may even vary from season to season in our lives.

Is your ear more or less important than your eye?  Are your tastebuds of greater value to you than the nerves on the ends of your fingers?  What makes you happier your legs or your arms?

I have to tell you, just like the camel keeper listed on David's workforce, I'm tickled, downright tickled, to be even given an invite to work within this Body!    

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