Saturday, April 20, 2024


Today's reading: Jeremiah 17-21

"O Lord, you persuaded me, and I allowed myself to be persuaded. You are stronger than I am, and you overpowered me. Now I am mocked by everyone in the city." Jeremiah 20:7 NLT

If God ever 'persuaded' you to follow Him, you probably understand how Jeremiah felt as he wrote these words.

This persuasion of the Lord urged you to leave behind how you once lived.

This urging of God pressed you to give up what you once desired for all He offered.

This pressing of Christ led you to the point you confessed your sins, asked His forgiveness and told the world you were now His.

But then--tough times came along.

Stormy seas battered your little boat.

Mountains loomed on your path.

Dark days rested over you and all your attempts to serve Him.

Hear this, God has not changed! His power has not petered out. His love and mercy are just as strong, just as mighty, just as amazing as the day you gave in to His 'persuading power'.

Stick it out, friend.

Remain close to the Lord.

Don't give up, give in or give out.

God has a reason for the path you are currently on--either to strengthen your testimony, to meet another along the way who needs a helping hand or to showcase the might in His rescue.

Press on, weary pilgrim.

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