Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Today's reading: 2 Samuel 5-9

"David then led his troops to Jerusalem to fight against the Jebusites. You'll never get in here, the Jebsites taunted. Even the blind and lame could keep you out! For the Jebusites thought they were safe." 2 Samuel 5:6 NLT

I don't know about you, but my thought-processes are often a little less than, oh shall we say it, perfect.

Just like the Jebusites.

There are too many times I tend to 'think' the way is impossible, the progress has completely stopped or I have misunderstood what it was the Lord was asking me to do...and then I see Him do something hugely God-like in my life, in my circumstances, in the lives of those I am so desperately wanting to reach for Him...and I am reminded my thinking was off-kilter with what I should know.

You see, He out-thinks us on so very many levels!

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