Friday, July 19, 2019

Today's reading: 1 Chronicles 26-27, Acts 19:11-22, Psalm 107:17-32

"He calmed the storm to a whisper and stilled the waves." Psalm 107:29 NLT

It takes Vacation Bible School to remind me...

Watching the eyes of the little ones as they hear of God's miraculous ways...

Seeing how they lean into the Bible account...

The excitement of hearing 'what happens next'...

It takes those things to remind me that I should still be star-struck when I hear about the Lord.

Awed by His power.

Amazed by His grace.

Left speechless by His love.

Humbled to my core by His gift of salvation offered to me.

It took watching the little ones to remind me that He is still amazing!

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