Friday, June 25, 2010


Today's reading: Ezekiel 13-18

"Even if Noah, Daniel and Job were there, their righteousness would save no one but themselves, declares the Sovereign Lord." Ezekiel 14:14 NLT

How many of us are depending upon someone else's faith, commitment or relationship with the Lord to declare us godly? How often do we place the burden of the 'work' required to keep us in God's presence and within God's will onto another's shoulders?

It's not the pastor's job!

It's not the church you visit. I'll not even use the word 'attend', because some of us aren't--we drop in when it's convenient!

It's not dependent upon the parents chosen for you! Genes do not grant us salvation.

It has nothing to do with the government or its choices!

There's no correlation between where we live, the good ole USA, and receiving a 'Get Out Of Hell Free' pass!

It's personal. Your walk with the Lord, your relationship with the Creator, your righteousness--courtesy God, is what will save you!

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