Tuesday, May 25, 2021


Today's reading: 1 Kings 1-4

"God gave Solomon great wisdom and understanding, and knowledge too vast to be measured." 1 Kings 4:29 NLT

Oh the stockpile of things Solomon had!

He had the brains. He had the women. He had the money. The houses. The land. The horses. He had the whole package.

And every single bit of it was given him by God.

Sure, we worked for it. He studied to increase his knowledge. He pressed in on his political counterparts in order to gain more success. He married women to secure borders and soothe warring factions. He spent a whole lot of time striving.

But all that he had was given to him by God.

The same is true for you...and me.

Our families. Our jobs. Our homes. Our friends. Our things. All gifts from God.

I think we sometimes need random summer Tuesday mornings to remind us of that simple truth.

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